Monday, June 1, 2009


I started boot camp this morning with a new friend! First, I love that I have a new friend. (She is the sister of one of my friends from church) We met briefly at a homemade gourmet party her sister hosted. We have exchanged emails a couple of times but she was brave enough to call me (a virtual stranger) and invite me to lunch after our tests we took Saturday. (I tested to receive my alternative certification in teaching for science) I really enjoyed our lunch/talk session very much and she must not have minded my blabbering too much because later in the day she texted me to see if I would be interested in joining her for a boot camp. I need to get in shape.... so, I said, "I'm in!".

This morning started at 4:35, when my alarm went off, and I was out the door by 4:45. I made my way to Claremore (about a 20-30 minute drive) where I met her at a gas station so she could show me the rest of the way.

Class started at 5:30 with some warm up (exhausting) exercises before we proceeded to run a timed mile. Mind you... I'm not much of a runner any more so my time wasn't that great. I ran the mile in 12 minutes 3 seconds. (I'm supposed to be able to run it much faster by the end of the month) After the terrible, killer mile... it was sit-up time. We had 1 minute to do as many sit-ups as we could do, I could do a whopping 24. Next came push-ups. Again, we had one minute to do as many as we could. I thought I had this one, with all of my P90X training, oh no... I did 18 maybe 20, I can't remember clearly (it has been a loooonnnggg morning!). Then we were off to do dips. 1 minute on the clock... I'm dipping like crazy, I thought I would smoke the competition... nope, I did 24!

Anyway, I will let you know on June 26th how things went. I am doing this class 5 days a week for the month of June. Wish me luck because I thought I was going to pass out or throw up today!!

Thanks Kimberlee...


oktoak said...

I'm so impressed!! One of my friends asked me to do a boot camp, but I couldn't because of the surgery. My doc has given me permission to start running next week. Maybe I can do a boot camp in July. You're my inspiration!! Keep going, baby!

kari sanchez said...

Hi! I found your site off the Pioneer Woman's blog and have been following your blog since! I am so inspired by you! Maybe you can keep all your bloggie followers updated on what you do each morning at your bootcamp and we could do the same, just a day behind you! I would be so interested! I live in southern Oklahoma near Ardmore and I don't think they offer anything like that around here! I need to get in shape! I would love to play in our church league softball by this fall!!! :) The quilt made in honor of your daughter is absolutely beautiful! God bless you!
Kari Sanchez- Healdton, OK