Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 Months

Well, I had a doctors appointment today (Lizzy I miss you... I hate that I won't get to see you) and he said that he would like Rusty and I to wait 3 months before trying again. So, in the mean time I have purchased the P90X DVDs and plan on Rusty and I getting into rip roarin' shape over the next 90 days.

I know you all want to see my rolly polly before pictures but I am not brave enough. Maybe... just maybe I will bring out my 30 day pictures when I get there. We shall see.

So, for the next 90 days or so I will be getting in to the best shape of my life (hopefully) and getting my body ready to carry a sweet baby full term.

1 comment:

carrie said...

girl, you already look great!