Tuesday, April 6, 2010



First, I had an eye appointment today and my vision is now 20/25!! In the last ten days it has gone from 20/60 to 20/25... IMPROVEMENT!! I'm super excited and ready to be done with the whole mess. Unfortunately, I have to stay on the oral steroids for probably another 3-4 weeks. I will be taking 20mg for the next two weeks plus the steroid eye drops, antibiotics and dilating eye drops.

Second, I LOVE my new workout! I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and it is GREAT! So far I have gone 8 days straight. I did level one for 7 days and went to level two today. Unfortunately, the oral steroids are making it hard for me to see much in the way of body change. My face is still fat and tummy has gotten bigger since starting the steroids. My doctor says that once I am off the steroids I should see a vast improvement in my results. So, I'm trying VERY hard not to get discouraged. I just really want to see results since I'm putting in so much hard work.

My bible reading is going well. I'm not getting in as many pages a day as I want but I am getting in as many as I can per day. I'm just happy that I'm sticking with it this time. I'm really enjoying learning the word of God.

Going to my eye appointment
That's my life in a nutshell!

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