Spring is upon us and now is the time to enjoy the outdoors, before it gets too hot and sticky.
One of my favorite views is from my back porch. The sunset is absolutely glorious.
It's the time of year to head out doors and lie out on a blanket and enjoy the birds singing
It is also the time for Popsicles!
Since they are always a mess, it is nice to be able to strip off Rowynn's shirt and let him go to town!
It is also the time of year when the bunnies are busy and the birds are too! Here is a nest in the most bizarre place.
It belongs to this bird, who was trying to make me think she had a broken wing, while I took pictures of her nest...
in the middle of my driveway!!
They are beautiful eggs though. I'm just hoping all goes well with the nest and the babies once they hatch.