Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The prompt from #reverb10 is community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

I have found community here on my blog and on the bog City Mom, Country, Mom. I have a community here of family, friends and strangers who give me support, put up with my craziness, read random stories and share in the ups and downs of my life.

As for City Mom, Country Mom, it is a community of parents who have also had an infant or child pass away. It has given me a place to voice my pain, fear and joys. It gives me a platform to open up and know that there are others out there who know what I am going through and deal with the same struggles I go through. It is a place where some are further along in their journey so I can learn from them and then there are the ones that can take from my journey. I love knowing that we all help each other.

My goal for 2011 is to contribute more to the City Mom, Country Mom blog. I also hope to keep all of you coming back each day to read this little ol' blog!

Thanks for coming back each day, week, month or year!

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