Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WWW- week 6

I am down yet another pound! I am now weighing in (on my new scale!) at 161... woo hoo. It is definitely a slow process but I'm hoping that means it will stay off, for good. Except when I get pregnant again and it all comes rushing back.

Won't that be exciting? You'll get to do this whole weight blogging all over again! I bet you can't wait. I know every Wednesday you check with absolute anticipation to see where my weight is! Right? No? You have no interest? Oh well.

Well, either way I want to thank you for the support. I know it is slow and daunting but it really helps me to blast my weight on the bloggasphere for all to read. Some how it really keeps me from putting that cupcake in my mouth... sometimes.

I love you all my wonderful readers! Thank you for keeping me going.

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